Thursday, 18 September 2008

a new hope.

a house!
well, i guess it's a duplex.
it's got a fab kitchen (all white cabinets right to the ceiling some have glass fronts) , 3 bedrooms, close to both of our workplaces (approx 10-15 mins to each place), he takes care of shoveling and lawn mowing...i *will* have a craft room in one of those bedrooms!
...and it's owned by jer's boss's dad!
fridge, stove, washer, dryer included!
it's a bit (60bux) more than what we're paying that's a bit worry some. i'm not sure if that's all inclusive or not tho...
one good thing; jer's brother is already living there. we might be able to persuade him to stay, then the rent wouldn't be so burdensome.
the gas we'll save will make up for some of it..PLUS we won't have to save our loonies and quarters for laundry!!
it's not even listed in the paper yet.
the only shitty thing is that he's asking first and last months rent...BOO. i don't ever have $1800 just lying around, and i don't know many who do..

*fingers crossed*

!!!happy birthday miss amy!!!

pics of the stuff i made for her soon...